Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson
Voting to Reject Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
As president-elect, Biden said on vaccines, “I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
Dr. Fauci in August of 2020 said, “I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public.”
Yet, Biden and Fauci have flip-flopped and Americans are suffering. The Biden administration, Dr. Fauci and other federal bureaucrats are complicit in enacting divisive and pointless mandates that are violating Americans health autonomy and personal freedom. We have severe worker shortages throughout our economy and vaccine mandates exacerbate these shortages.
To maintain their power and control, President Biden and the COVID gods want to keep us all in a state of fear.
Enough liberty has been lost during this pandemic. It’s time to let Americans, not federal bureaucrats, make decisions for themselves. It’s time for Americans to reclaim their freedom and return to living a normal life.
I spoke on the Senate floor about Fauci’s fearmongering and track record during the AIDS outbreak. Watch my Senate speech here and click below to see this 1983 clip from Fauci.
Educate Yourself on COVID Early Treatment
I’ve been monitoring COVID-19 on a daily basis since early in the pandemic. This surge happening now in Wisconsin should be taken seriously. My advice is to prepare by finding a doctor and pharmacy who will provide early treatment.
Here are some of the resources to educate yourself that I have been recommending.
- Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Peter McCullough. It’s three hours long, but every second is worth hearing. Joe Rogan asks excellent questions.
- Ivermectin documentary. After watching this excellent video on the history of ivermectin, ask yourself why in the world did the FDA, CDC and Fauci go out of their way to trash this Nobel Prize winning wonder drug?
- Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance website.
Share this information with your family and friends. It may save lives.
Time for Answers in Waukesha Parade Tragedy
The Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre is not a singular issue. There are numerous reports from across the country of violent crimes committed by individuals out on pre-trial release after being charged with a felony violent offense. It’s time for answers.
The attack on the Waukesha Christmas Parade by a repeat violent offender brought to the nation’s attention the issue of pre-trial release of criminal violent offenders and subsequent violent crimes committed by such individuals. Congress provides funding for the Department of Justice to collect and analyze information on crime, including on pre-trial release, and I urge DOJ to publish such information immediately.
Read more in this Fox News story or click on the WISN story above.
Build Back Broke
I appreciate the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recognizing Ronald Reagan’s wisdom with a more honest score of Bidens budget busting plan. CBO projects it will add $3 TRILLION, dispelling the lie that BBB is fully paid for. Oops, guess the Democrats forgot to tell the American people that.
From open borders leading to a flood of illegal immigration, low or no bail policies increasing crime, the embarrassing and dangerous surrender in Afghanistan, and out of control deficit spending, Democrat control of Congress and the Executive Branch is proving to be even more of a disaster than I thought was possible. I hope the American people are paying close attention.
A True American Hero
My thoughts and prayers are with Elizabeth Dole, and the entire Dole family, on the passing of Senator Bob Dole – a statesman, patriot, and true American hero.