Murkowski Congratulates ConocoPhillips On GMT2 Production

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


Supported Permits for Now-Producing NPR-A Project

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today applauded ConocoPhillips for achieving first oil production at its Greater Mooses Tooth #2 (GMT2) drill site, located in the northeast part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). The project received final approval from federal officials in late 2018.

“Congratulations to ConocoPhillips and their dedicated team for bringing more Alaska oil to market to help refill the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and create hundreds of well-paying jobs in our state. I greatly appreciate their continued commitment to, and investment in, Alaska,” Senator Murkowski said. “GMT2 again shows that Alaska has plenty of resources to responsibly develop, for the good of our nation and the world, even as we adhere to stringent environmental and labor standards. All we need is federal permission, and an administration that prefers Alaska over OPEC+.”

At peak production GMT2 is estimated to yield approximately 30,000 barrels of oil per day. During the past three winter seasons, ConocoPhillips estimates the project created around 700 jobs, resulting in more than 600,000 direct construction manhours.

Murkowski strongly supported approval of the GMT2 project beginning with ConocoPhillips’ application for permits to drill in 2015. She worked with former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and former Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Joe Balash to move the project forward. More information about GMT2’s approval in 2018 is available here and here.  

The NPR-A is administered by the federal Bureau of Land Management and covers more than 23 million acres on the western North Slope of Alaska—an area roughly the size of Indiana. The area is specifically designated for oil and gas development and production, which will hopefully soon include ConocoPhillips’ larger Willow project.

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