Daines Effort to Strike Down Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for MT Small Businesses Passes U.S. Senate

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ legislative effort to rescind President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate against private businesses passed the U.S. Senate. Daines has been fighting back against Biden’s business vaccine mandate that would impact Montana small businesses and could force nearly 130,000 Montanans out of work. Daines has also been working to push back against Biden’s other vaccine mandates like the ones impacting healthcare workers and federal contractors.

Click HERE to download a video statement.

“While I’m pro-vaccine, I’m strongly anti-mandate. President Biden’s overreaching COVID-19 vaccine mandates are a threat to Montana small businesses and workers,” Daines said. “Today, the Senate passed my effort to strike down Biden’s vaccine mandate on private businesses, which is good news… however, I will not stop fighting until ALL of Biden’s mandates that are hurting our small businesses and workers are blocked.”

A few weeks ago, Daines and Republican colleagues announced an effort to strike down Biden’s private business mandate under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). A CRA is a process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule. To pass, a CRA only needs 51 votes in the Senate, which was secured today. Senator Manchin was the first Democrat to break party ranks and join Republicans in this effort, ensuring it would pass the Senate. The CRA must be passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and signed into law by President Biden to take effect.

Earlier today, Daines spoke at a press conference about the importance of passing the CRA. Click HERE to watch remarks. 

Daines has unveiled several videos from Montana small business owners about the impacts all of Biden’s mandates are having on Montanans.

  • Click HERE to hear from Simkins-Hallin out of Bozeman
  • Click HERE to hear from Proof Research out of the Flathead
  • Click HERE to hear from Homestead Helicopters out of Missoula
  • Click HERE to hear from Whitefish Mountain Resort 

Daines also shared a video from a rally in Bozeman where healthcare workers joined together to voice their opposition to Biden’s healthcare worker vaccine mandate, click HERE to watch.



Daines has been leading efforts in Congress against Biden’s vaccine mandates. 

On December 2, Daines pushed for a vote in the Senate to stop all of President Biden’s vaccine mandates that will hurt Montana small businesses, federal employees, federal contractors, healthcare workers and service members. Senate Democrats blocked this. 

On November 15, Daines called on Biden to reverse the vaccine mandate for health care workers, which could cripple and even shut down some of Montana’s hospitals as nurses and other health care workers will be forced to leave their jobs. The most painful consequence will be the harm to Montana patients not able to receive care. 

On November 5, Daines supported Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen’s lawsuit challenging President Biden’s vaccine mandate on Montana small businesses.

On November 3, Daines moved to strike down Biden’s vaccine mandates under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). A CRA is a process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule and must be brought up for a vote by the full Senate regardless of an agreement by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats. To pass, a CRA only needs 51 votes.  

On October 27, Daines called on Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to reassess the vaccine mandate for Montana firefighters that could inhibit effective forest management and wildfire response in the state.

On October 12, Neptune Aviation wrote to Daines expressing the burden Biden’s mandate would put on its workforce and firefighting capabilities. Read the letter HERE

On October 18, Daines cosponsored bills to protect Montana workers, small businesses from Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and prevent the federal government from imposing fines, fees or taxes on Montana small businesses that do not adhere to Biden’s mandate.   

In October, Daines urged President Biden to rescind COVID-19 vaccine mandates which will hurt Montana businesses and threaten the livelihoods of Montana workers. 

In October, Daines cosponsored a bill, the “Stop Vaccine Mandates Act,” to rescind President Biden’s executive order mandating federal contractors and workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Read the bill text HERE.

On September 16, Daines slammed President Biden for his top-down vaccine mandate, and questioned its constitutionality. 


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler