English/Español: Rubio, Menendez, Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution Recognizing Bilateral Relationship Between U.S. and Dominican Republic

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) introduced a Senate resolution reaffirming the importance of the partnership between the governments of the United States and the Dominican Republic. The bipartisan resolution recognizes the enduring diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties that bind the two nations and calls for furthering relations to advance mutual prosperity and security interests.
Rubio is the Ranking Member of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues.
“I am proud to cosponsor a resolution that highlights the partnership between the Dominican Republic and the United States,” Rubio said. “The Dominican Republic remains a dependable and key ally in the Caribbean amid the many economic, health, and security challenges our region has endured in the past few years. I am grateful for our nations’ continued joint cooperation on security and defense matters, strengthening the implementation of nearshoring initiatives in the Caribbean, and promoting human rights and democracy in our hemisphere.”
“I’m proud to be joined by my colleagues in introducing this bipartisan resolution to celebrate the strength and significance of the United States’ relationship with the Dominican Republic,” Menendez said. “This resolution is an opportunity to celebrate the enduring bonds and shared democratic values that have allowed our countries to work together to reach common goals in addressing ongoing threats to democracy, security, human rights, and economic wellbeing in our hemisphere. I remain deeply committed to continue working with President Abinader and the vibrant Dominican-American diaspora in our country, especially in my home state of New Jersey, to strengthen our partnership and advance the welfare of our people.”
“I am proud to join my fellow Senators in recognizing President Abinader and the government of the Dominican Republic, for their efforts to advance economic prosperity and national security, and counter corruption in the country and the region,” Cardin said. “We have strong cultural, economic and political ties with the Dominican Republic, and look forward to continuing our essential collaboration to address regional issues, including the situation in Haiti.”
“The United States’ friendship with the Dominican Republic is based upon proximity, strategic interest, economic and cultural ties,” Cassidy said. “The U.S. should always look for new ways to strengthen that friendship.”


Washington, D.C. Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Ben Cardin (D-MD) y Bill Cassidy (R-LA) presentaron una resolución en el senado de EE.UU. reafirmando la importancia de la asociación entre los gobiernos de EE.UU. y República Dominicana. La resolución bipartidista reconoce los lazos diplomáticos, económicos y culturales que unen a los dos países y hace un llamado a fortalecer las relaciones bilaterales para promover la prosperidad mutua y los intereses de seguridad.

Rubio es el Miembro de Más Alto Rango del Subcomité sobre Hemisferio Occidental, Crimen Transnacional, Seguridad Civil, Democracia, DDHH y Asuntos Globales de la Mujer.

“Me enorgullece copatrocinar esta resolución que destaca la relación entre la República Dominicana y EE.UU”, Rubio dijo. “La República Dominicana sigue siendo un aliado confiable y es clave en el Caribe tras los múltiples desafíos económicos, de salud y de seguridad que ha afrontado nuestra región en los últimos años. Estoy agradecido por la continua cooperación conjunta entre nuestras naciones en temas de seguridad y defensa, también en el fortalecimiento de iniciativas de nearshoring en el Caribe y en nuestro compromiso de promover los DDHH. y la democracia en nuestro hemisferio”.