McConnell: Democrats’ Latest Attempt to Federalize Elections Will Fail

Source: United States Senator for Kentucky Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding voting laws:

“This has become an almost-weekly routine: My friends on the other side trying to give Washington unprecedented power over how Americans vote. We don’t have an NDAA or an appropriations process, but we always have time for these stunts.

“In many of these bills, congressional Democrats propose to make themselves into a national Board of Elections. Today there’s a small difference: They want instead to hand that power to Attorney General Garland. Different branch of government; same bad idea.

“I just want to add one observation from last night. Governors’ races and state legislative seats weren’t the only things on the ballot.

“Yesterday, the deep blue state of New York had two of Democrats’ signature proposals for weaker elections on the ballot as ballot measures. Citizens got to vote on whether to open the door to two changes that politicians wanted: Same-day registration and no-excuse absentees.

“And as of the latest tally a few minutes ago, both proposals are losing. They are currently both losing about 60-40. Even in deep blue New York, citizens appear to be rejecting Democrats’ demands for weaker elections.

“So I think there’s only one question left: Where will the Mets and the Yankees end up now? Surely Major League Baseball can’t let them stay in New York after this.

“I urge a ‘no’ vote and I yield the floor.”
