Senator Collins Casts 8,000th Consecutive Vote

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

Click HERE to watch Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) remarks. Click HERE to download high-resolution video.

Click HERE to watch Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) remarks. Click HERE to download high-resolution video.

Click HERE to watch Senator John Thune’s (R-SD) remarks. Click HERE to download high-resolution video.

Click HERE for Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) remarks. Click HERE to download high-resolution video.

Click HERE to watch Senator Collins cast her 8,000th vote. Click HERE to download high-resolution video.


Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins cast her 8,000th consecutive roll call vote today, extending her unbroken voting record that has spanned nearly 25 years.  Senator Collins is the only Senator in history to have cast 8,000 votes without ever having missed a vote during her entire time in the Senate.  She has the Senate’s third-longest consecutive voting streak.

“Growing up in Maine, I learned from an early age the values of hard work, perseverance, and honoring your commitments.  I am proud to bring those Maine values with me to the Senate every day while representing our state,” said Senator Collins.  “Mainers are known for their strong work ethic, and I strive to demonstrate that same commitment to work hard for them.”

Senator Collins’ first vote in the Senate was on January 22, 1997, when she voted to confirm Madeleine Albright as Secretary of State.  Her second vote, the same day, was to confirm former Maine Senator Bill Cohen as Secretary of Defense.  Senator Collins succeeded Secretary Cohen in the Senate.

In addition to not missing any roll call votes, Senator Collins continues to return home to Maine on weekends and during state work periods to meet with constituents and visit communities, businesses, and schools throughout the state.


Former Senator William Proxmire (D-WI) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) are the only Senators who have vote streaks longer than 8,000.  Senator Proxmire, who was first elected in 1957, cast 10,252 uninterrupted voted between 1966 and 1988.  Senator Grassley cast 8,927 votes between 1993, when he was in Iowa touring severe flood damage in his home state with President Bill Clinton, and 2020, when he was forced to miss a vote while quarantining due to COVID-19.
