Wyden Statement on FTC Report on Big Cable Selling Americans’ Personal Data

Source: United States Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore)

October 22, 2021

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement in response to the Federal Trade Commission report documenting how Big Cable companies sold detailed personal information about their customers’ browsing history to advertisers:

“If Congress needed any more proof that America desperately needs a consumer privacy law, the Federal Trade Commission’s report about internet service providers’ rampant abuse of their customers’ private, personal browsing information should be enough to get Washington to act. Whether it’s advertisers, tech companies or Big Cable, corporate America is showing absolute contempt for the idea that consumers can control personal details about their lives. Democrats have introduced multiple comprehensive privacy bills that would crack down on this flagrant abuse.

“Finally, it’s worth remembering that former Federal Communications Commission Chair Ajit Pai opened the floodgates to ISPs’ unchecked use of browsing data when he repealed the Obama-era broadband privacy and net neutrality regulations. The FCC needs every tool available to stop cable companies from gouging consumers and selling their data.”