ICYMI: Great Lakes Coast Guard Center of Expertise Created by Peters to be Headquartered in Michigan

Source: United States Senator for Michigan Gary Peters


Center of Expertise, Enacted into Law by Previous Peters-led Efforts, Will Study Impacts of Oil Spills in Freshwater Environments

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) announced the location selection of the U.S. Coast Guard National Center of Expertise (NCOE) for the Great Lakes, which will be headquartered in Michigan after Peters successfully secured $4.5 million for the initiative and passed legislation into law establishing the Great Lakes NCOE in 2018. To maximize research and operational capabilities, the Great Lakes NCOE, created by Peters, will formalize a partnership between Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, which will serve as the hub of the Great Lakes NCOE and home to its supervisor, the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor, and the Coast Guard.

The Great Lakes NCOE will examine the impacts of oil spills in freshwater environments and help develop effective responses. This work will be critical in protecting the Great Lakes, as current oil spill response technologies are primarily designed for saltwater environments.

Detroit News: Michigan selected for new Coast Guard center to study freshwater oil spills

“U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Bloomfield Township, announced that the center will be located at two sites within Michigan…Peters worked to designate $4.5 million in federal funding, including $3 million in the year-end spending package last year for the center after getting a bill passed to establish it. Former President Donald Trump signed the legislation in 2018.

“The legislation followed a hearing in 2017 where the then-commandant of the Coast Guard told Peters that the agency was not prepared for an oil spill in the Great Lakes, as existing technologies for responding to oil spills are designed for salt-water environments.” 

MLive: Coast Guard to launch freshwater oil spill research in Michigan

“A new military research agency will come to Michigan to study the effects of oil spills in freshwater and develop plans to respond to such an environmental disaster.


“U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Bloomfield Twp., advocated for this new research program because of the risks from the aging, underwater section of the Line 5 pipeline continually pumping petrochemicals between Michigan’s peninsulas through the dual lines resting on the bottomlands of the swift and swirling Straits of Mackinac.

“The senator said federal hearings revealed the Coast Guard’s lack of readiness for an oil spill in the Great Lakes and how scientists know far less about how to clean up oil in freshwater environments than in saltwater. That prompted him to spearhead this new effort and secure $4.5 million to get things started, he said.”

WJBK Fox 2 Detroit: Senator Gary Peters authored legislation to create the Great Lakes NCOE which was established in 2018

“The Coast Guard is set to open a new facility in the UP. Research performed there is expected to be critical in protecting the Great Lakes.


“The Coast Guard National Center of Expertise will now study this topic setting up hubs at the Lake Superior State University in Sault Sainte Marie and the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab in Ann Arbor.


“Senator Gary Peters authored legislation to create the Great Lakes NCOE which was established in 2018. The project also has $4.5 million set aside make the initiative a success.” 

WLAJ ABC 53 Lansing: Senator Gary Peters announced today that the Coast Guard Center for Expertise will have its headquarters in two Michigan homes

“Senator Gary Peters announced today that the Coast Guard Center for Expertise will have its headquarters in two Michigan homes. One will be located at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, while the second one will be at the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor. The Coast Guard’s Center of Expertise will be used to examine the impacts of oil spills in the Great Lakes and will help with responses in case an oil spill happens. Senator Peter says we don’t know enough about responding to oil spills in freshwater, and these centers will help with that research.

“‘We know in Michigan firsthand how catastrophic an oil spill can be. We saw it in the Kalamazoo River, which has been the most expensive oil pipeline break in the history of our country – took years to clean up it was a very complex undertaking.’

“Back in 2018, Michigan Senator Peters passed legislation to establish the Coast Guard Center of Expertise, securing four and a half million dollars in federal funding to get that center.” 

WNEM CBS 5 Flint: Michigan will be the home for a new U.S. Coast Guard Center of Expertise

“Michigan will be the home for a new U.S. Coast Guard Center of Expertise. Senator Gary Peters announcing the Sault Ste. Marie and Ann Arbor areas will be homes to a new research facility and the Great Lakes hub. The facilities will examine the impacts of oil spills in freshwater environments and help develop effective responses. Peters says this research is critical because most current oil response technologies are designed for saltwater environments.

“‘An oil spill in the Straits of Mackinac would be catastrophic. It would be the absolute worst place that you could ever have an oil spill in the Great Lakes. And we know as Michiganders the Great Lakes is special. It’s in our DNA from a recreational resource but we also know that 40 million people rely on the Great Lakes so for drinking water.’

“In 2018, a bipartisan law was signed into law to establish a Great Lakes Resource Center. Last year, Peters announced millions of dollars in funding. The project was delayed because of the pandemic.” 

WOOD NBC 8 Grand Rapids: New MI research facilities to investigate cleaning up fresh water oil spills 

“Today, Senator Gary Peters announced where the home of the U.S. Coast Guard National Center of Expertise will be located.


 “Senator Peters announced this afternoon that the Coast Guard Center of Expertise will have its headquarters actually in two places. One will be located at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, while the second location will be at the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor. The Coast Guard Center of Expertise will be used to examine the impacts of oil spills in the Great Lakes and will help with responses just in case a spill happens. Senator Peters says we don’t know enough about responding to oil spills in fresh water and the centers will help with that research.”

WGTQ ABC Traverse City: 40 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water

“40 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water. That’s according to Michigan Senator Gary Peters, and Senator Peters says he is working on ensuring they continue to have access to drinking water by doing his part to keep the Great Lakes clean. This means preparing for a potential oil spill.


“Senator Peters is working to change that by creating a research center focused on learning how to clean up oil spills in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Coast Guard National Center of Expertise will be located at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie. LSSU President Dr. Rodney Hanley says he’s honored his university was chosen.”

WJMN CBS Marquette: Lake Superior State University in Sault Sainte Marie will soon be the home of the U.S. Coast Guard National Center of Expertise for the Great Lakes

“Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie will soon be the home of the U.S. Coast Guard National Center of Expertise for the Great Lakes. Senator Gary Peters said during a Senate committee hearing that he learned that there isn’t a good understanding of how you clean up oil in fresh water and it’s more complicated than oil spills in our oceans.


“Researchers at the new center will study how to clean up freshwater oil spills. They’ll also be able to place cleanup equipment at the Coast Guard Station in the Sault. The facility is scheduled to open by December.” 
