ICYMI: Rubio: It’s Time to Fire John Kerry, Biden’s Ethically Challenged Climate Czar

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Rubio: It’s time to fire John Kerry, Biden’s ethically challenged climate czar
Senator Marco Rubio
October 15, 2021
Fox News
Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the right one.
For weeks, rumors have swirled in Washington about President Joe Biden’s climate czar John Kerry and his opposition to taking concrete action against the Chinese Communist Party’s use of slave labor. Now, we may have an answer about his reluctance to take action: according to a new report, Kerry and his wife have at least $1 million invested in a Chinese investment group called Hillhouse China Value Fund L.P.
That fact alone raises serious questions as to whether Kerry can negotiate in good faith withBeijing on climate change, but it gets worse. According to the report, Hillhouse is a “top shareholder” in a Chinese technology company called YITU Technology, which was blacklisted by the Trump administration in 2019 for being complicit in the surveillance, detention, and repression of Uyghurs and others. In other words, Kerry appears to be profiting from slave labor.
Now it makes sense why he is actively working against my Uyghur Forced Labor Act, which would make it impossible for products made with slave labor in Xinjiang, China to be imported into the United States. Kerry has been working against my legislation, and has convinced President Joe Biden to stay silent on the bill.
President Biden now has a choice: stand by the man profiting from slave labor or fire him.
We’ve seen this playbook before. What Biden is doing is not so very different from the nationless corporations that supported his campaign. Companies including Nike, Apple, and Amazon benefit from slave labor or sourcing from suppliers that do. It is why they previously fought against the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. This is how they do business — and in their view, business is always more important than ending literal slavery or advancing U.S. national interests.
Nothing is going right for President Biden or our nation lately. Gas prices are surging. Groceries are more expensive. Supply chains are bottlenecked. Divisive Marxist policies are tearing our communities apart. We’ve been embarrassed on the world stage thanks to Biden’s Afghanistan debacle. And now, the president’s top climate adviser is profiting from slave labor.
The AFL-CIO called “on the Biden administration to take the commonsense actions.” The first step is to fire John Kerry as climate czar. And then, instead of relying on a genocidal regime that hates America, the Biden administration should focus on building up domestic production to create good jobs in America.
Biden needs to decide where he stands and who he is fighting for. Right now, his silence is deafening, and it is giving cover to the Marxists in both America and in China. Meanwhile, American workers and families continue to suffer.
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