Senator Collins’ Statement on Reopening of U.S.-Canada Land Border to Vaccinated Canadians

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

Caribou, ME—U.S. Senator Susan Collins issued this statement following the announcement that vaccinated Canadians will soon be allowed to cross the land border between the U.S. and Canada:

“Today’s long-overdue announcement is fantastic news for Mainers who have deeply missed having their Canadian relatives at holiday celebrations, family functions, and other milestone events.  As a native of Aroostook County, I know all too well how many families have ties on both sides of the border, and they were separated for far too long. 

“This is also a welcome development for Maine small businesses that have suffered significant revenue losses without Canadian customers, and it will provide a boost to Maine’s hard-hit hospitality industry, which has been harmed by the absence of Canadian tourists.

“When the U.S.-Canada border closed more than a year and a half ago, it created significant disruptions in border towns, where people routinely cross to shop, visit their medical providers, attend church, and participate in local events.  I repeatedly advocated for the U.S. to loosen its border restrictions, and when Canadian officials began allowing fully vaccinated Americans to enter their country in August, I urged the Administration to reciprocate with similar requirements and safeguards.  Today’s decision will help to reunite these tight-knit border communities.”


Senator Collins has repeatedly pushed to adjust or reevaluate restrictions on non-essential travel across the U.S.-Canada border.  Earlier this month, she joined a group of six Senators in calling on the Administration to provide the medical justifications for continued U.S. -Canada land border restrictions.  In July, she joined the rest of the Maine Delegation in sending a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, urging the Biden Administration to take steps to allow fully-vaccinated Canadians to cross the U.S.-Canada border for business or leisure given current health conditions. In May, she participated in a call with U.S. Senators and Canadian members of Parliament to discuss the importance of reopening the border.

Earlier this year, Senator Collins sent a letter urging DHS Secretary Mayorkas to ease restrictions on U.S.-Canada travel and included copies of correspondence she had with both former President Trump and former Acting Secretary Chad Wolf advocating for limited border crossing exemptions based on localized risks.