Press Releases 10/5/2021 Tillis and Hudson Lead NC Delegation Pressing for Answers on Crisis in Afghanistan and Americans Left Behind

Source: United States Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) led Members of the North Carolina congressional delegation on a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken this week regarding the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan and Americans left behind.

In the letter, the Members highlight the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal which cost the lives of two North Carolina-connected servicemembers, among others. Additionally, they ask the State Department for detailed answers about how many Americans are still left in Afghanistan, who were the 124,000 people evacuated from Afghanistan, and when Congress will receive updates about Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants.

“[We] have become increasingly concerned with the State Department’s lack of strategy to secure the safety of American citizens and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and applicants left behind in now Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Because of the chaos of the evacuation, many of these people remain in danger, and the United States has little capacity to properly vet and transfer these people quickly and safely,” wrote the Members. “[We] ask that the State Department provide immediate assistance and a clear plan to secure the safety of those left behind.”

In addition to Sen. Tillis and Rep. Hudson, the letter was signed by Sen. Richard Burr and Reps. Virginia Foxx, Patrick McHenry, Dan Bishop, Madison Cawthorn, Greg Murphy, Ted Budd, and David Rouzer. The entire letter can be found here.

Many Members have continued to dispute claims by the State Department that “around 100” American citizens and residents remain in Afghanistan. More than one month since President Biden withdrew from Afghanistan, Rep. Hudson’s office alone still has 56 citizens and residents on the ground needing evacuation, along with nearly 1,600 other Afghan SIV holders and allies for which he has initiated inquiries to the State Department. 
