Peters Statement Ahead of President Biden’s Michigan Visit

Source: United States Senator for Michigan Gary Peters


WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) today released the following statement ahead of President Biden’s Tuesday visit to Howell, Michigan. While there, President Biden is expected to highlight the importance of the Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better bill that will make historic investments in Michigan.

“I’m thrilled President Biden will be back in Michigan, and I welcome his visit to discuss how the build back better agenda will strengthen our economy and significantly improve the way Michigan families live, work, move, and raise a family.

“The bipartisan infrastructure bill, which I proudly helped pass out of the Senate, is a historic piece of legislation that would create good-paying jobs — including union jobs — repair our roads and bridges, expand access to high-speed internet and help communities address rising water levels, make historic investments in protecting our Great Lakes and address shoreline erosion, flooding and extreme weather events.

“Together, with the Build Back Better bill we have an opportunity to cut taxes for families, lower the costs of health care, child care and elder care, and combat the climate crisis – which poses a direct threat to Michigan’s future.”

“I’m grateful to President Biden for hearing directly from Michiganders and remain committed to working alongside his administration to meet this moment and tackle the very real challenges families in Michigan and across our country face.”
