Daines Demands Answers on Biden’s Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


Calls for the Establishment of a Bipartisan Joint Afghanistan Investigation Committee

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced a resolution that would establish a bipartisan Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan to conduct a full investigation into President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal out of Afghanistan. Daines is calling for answers about the hundreds of Americans left behind enemy lines, billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment left in the hands of terrorists and the tragic attack that took the lives of 13 brave U.S. service members.

“President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in the tragic deaths of U.S. service members, the abandonment of Americans and our allies behind enemy lines, the loss of billions of dollars of military resources to terrorists and has left the United States, and the world, more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. There must be accountability for this disastrous withdrawal and the American people deserve answers,” Daines said.


Daines has repeatedly called for accountability and answers for the Biden administration’s failures in Afghanistan. 

On August 20, Daines demanded accountability and action from President Biden over the reckless loss of more than $80 billion in military equipment and weaponry in Afghanistan.

On September 2, Daines called for answers from the Biden administration about the Americans and Afghan allies left behind and about the vetting process for individuals who are being brought to the United States. 

On September 20, Daines pressed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for clear details on the vetting process used for evacuees out of Afghanistan before they enter the United States to ensure the U.S. is not granting entry to dangerous individuals or child traffickers


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler