Senate Passes Peters, Kennedy Bipartisan Resolution Designating Patriot Week

Source: United States Senator for Michigan Gary Peters


Patriot Week, From September 11th-17th, Honored Victims of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Celebrated Constitution Day; Was Co-founded by Oakland County Judge Michael Warren

WASHINGTON DC – The U.S. Senate late last night passed Senators Gary Peters (D-MI) and John Kennedy’s (R-LA) bipartisan resolution that declared September 11th through September 17th Patriot Week. Cofounded by Judge Michael Warren, Patriot Week was created to remember the lives lost on the September 11th terrorist attacks, honor Constitution Day on the 17th, and encourage students to engage with American history and civics.

“Patriot Week offered everyone an opportunity to delve deeper into our nation’s history, engage in civics, and reflect on the values and ideals that define who we are as Americans,” said Senator Peters, Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “We recently marked 20 years since the horrific September 11th terrorist attacks – and I will never forget how we rallied together as one nation during that difficult time. We must channel that unity and work together to address the very serious challenges our nation faces. I am thankful to Judge Warren for his commitment to this effort and was proud to work with him and Senator Kennedy to lead this annual recognition in the Senate.”

“The first responders and other heroes whose lives were taken 20 years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001, exemplify the American spirit,” said Senator Kennedy. “We will remember their sacrifice forever, and we will teach our children to do the same. As we refuse to forget these Americans or the evil of Sept. 11, we walk forward with a reverence for the liberties anchored in our Constitution and for the selfless patriotism they foster. Patriot Week helps tell America’s story, and our story is worth telling.”

“In these very challenging times, reminding Americans what unites us is more important than ever. We ask all Americans to learn, celebrate, and embrace our First Principles, great patriots, founding documents, and flags that make America that greatest nation in world history,” said Patriot Week co-founder Judge Michael Warren. “Co-founder Leah (my then 10 year old daughter) and I are very appreciative of Senators Peters and Kennedy for moving this grassroots based resolution through the US Senate on a bipartisan basis for a third consecutive year.”

“Count me all in for efforts that unite us – as Americans, as communities, as neighbors, and as fellow human beings who want to be treated equally and with dignity and respect,” said Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Bridget Mary McCormack. “Patriot Week unites us by reminding us all of our founding principles and how we all must work together to achieve a shared vision of justice for all.”

Thanks to the advocacy of Judge Warren and his organization, Patriot Week is officially recognized by over 17 states with official proclamations and legislative resolutions.

The full text of the resolution can be found by clicking here.
