Carper Applauds Government Transparency Bill Signed into Law

Source: United States Senator for Delaware – Tom Carper

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) applauded the news Friday that President Biden signed into law the Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act, legislation introduced by Carper and Senators Peters (D-Mich.), Portman (R-Ohio), Cornyn (R-Texas), and Ernst (R-Iowa).

“For a government to be accountable to the people, it’s got to be visible. That includes knowing where taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars are going and why,” Senator Carper said. “I was proud to lead this commonsense good governance bill that will help deliver the kind of government transparency that the American people deserve.” 

The Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act requires all federal agencies to report their budget justification materials—plain-language explanations of how agencies intend to spend money that they request from Congressional appropriators—to a centrally located, publicly accessible website.  
