Senators Collins and King Celebrate National Lobster Day

Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King today are celebrating Maine’s lobster industry after the Senate unanimously passed their bipartisan resolution earlier this year designating September 25, 2021 as “National Lobster Day.” National Lobster Day recognizes the economic and cultural importance of the species, which is a major economic driver for Maine. Senators Collins and King have sponsored similar legislation every year since 2015.

“Lobster is an inseparable part of Maine’s history, heritage, and identity. It’s a cornerstone of our state’s economy, plays a central role in our coastal communities, represents us around the globe – and is nothing short of a part of who we are,” said Senators Collins and King. “National Lobster Day is a chance to recognize the thousands of Maine people who power the state’s iconic industry – from the men and women who work on the docks, to those who catch, process, and cook the exceptional crustacean. If you can, we hope you’ll join us today and enjoy a delicious, healthy, local Maine lobster.”  

“This year marks the 7th annual National Lobster Day, a holiday that gives us the opportunity to celebrate the heritage of the lobster industry in Maine. From home cooks to professional chefs, we hope everyone will join us in serving up Maine Lobster this weekend,” said Marianne LaCroix, Executive Director of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative.

Lobster is one of the most valuable catches in the U.S., and a fundamental economic driver for Maine communities throughout the state. In 2020, Maine lobstermen caught more than 96 million pounds of lobster, worth more than $400 million. Senators Collins and King have been vocal advocates for the lobster industry by pushing back against harmful policies that would hinder the continued growth and success of the industry.

Click HERE to read the full resolution.