Duckworth Emphasizes Importance of Military Logistics & Capacity Readiness in General Van Ovost’s Nomination Hearing

Source: United States Senator for Illinois Tammy Duckworth

September 23, 2021

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – During a U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) hearing for the nomination of General Jacqueline D. Van Ovost to serve as Commander of the United States Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), combat Veteran and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) discussed the importance of enhanced mobility and logistics capabilities for the overall operational readiness of our military. Duckworth also applauded TRANSCOM’s monumental efforts in the Afghanistan airlift, including volunteers of the 182nd Airlift wing in Peoria, Illinois. Video of the Senator’s remarks can be found here.

Key quotes from Senator Duckworth’s remarks:

  • “I want to commend the General’s leadership and recognize the Servicemembers of Air Mobility Command for conducting the historic largest non-combatant rescue evacuation airlift in U.S. history. I am so proud of TRANSCOM’s monumental efforts in August as well as the continued work of Servicemembers across the United States military in providing ongoing airlift support of our Afghan allies including volunteers of the 182nd Airlift wing in Peoria, Illinois. “
  • “I think we’re all witnessing a real time example of why it’s so important that we plan for, and resource, our logistics and sustainment capabilities as much as we plan for and resource our combat capabilities. Our logistics enterprise is absolutely vital for responding to emergencies while preparing for future conflicts”
  •  “I’ve been unwavering in my insistence that we cannot build a combat creditable deterrence if we do not have the logistics capability and capacity to realistically support the complex military operational plans we are likely to be executing”

In a SASC hearing earlier this year, Senator Duckworth secured a commitment from General Charles Brown, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, to address gaps in mobility and logistic capabilities in the Indo-Pacific in addition to working with the National Guard on C-130 capacity issues.
