Daines Demands Investigation Into University of Pittsburgh’s Inhumane Fetal Tissue Research and Abortion Procedures

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and NIH Director Francis Collins asking for a thorough investigation into the University of Pittsburgh’s inhumane abortion procedures and research.

“Exploiting the body parts of aborted children for research purposes is repulsive and should stop, regardless of the outcome hoped for by researchers. Research using abortive fetal tissue is unethical, wrong, and has also been proven ineffective. Despite being used in clinical research since the 1920s, fetal tissue has not produced a single clinical treatment,” the letter states.  

Read the letter HERE.

Recent reports from the NIH show the University of Pittsburgh may have violated federal law by altering abortion procedures solely for the purpose of obtaining fetal tissue. Even worse, the reports show that university researchers may have harvested organs from babies who were old enough to survive outside the womb. 

Daines is chair and founder of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus.


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler