Senator Collins Welcomes Falmouth Student She Nominated to Senate Page Program

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

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Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Susan Collins welcomed Patrick Wahlig of Falmouth to the U.S. Senate Page Program in Washington, D.C.  Senator Collins nominated Patrick for the Senate Page Program’s fall session following a competitive selection process.  He is the son of Jennifer and John Wahlig.

“I was proud to nominate Patrick to the Senate Page Program, and I know he will do an exceptional job in this important role,” said Senator Collins.  “Patrick is a highly motivated student with an impressive record of academic achievement and involvement in extracurricular activities.  This opportunity will provide him with a unique opportunity to witness the legislative process firsthand.” 

Patrick is a junior at Falmouth High School.  He has been the Student Council President for the last three consecutive years.  He is also a member of the Science Olympiad Team, the Math Team, the Sailing Team, and the Life Science Club. In addition, he is a member of the Boy Scouts of America and has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.  Patrick is interested in studying biology, genetics, and biochemistry in college and eventually pursuing a career in biological sciences or medicine.

Senate pages must be high school juniors, at least sixteen years old, and attend school.  Senate page duties consist primarily of delivery of correspondence and legislative material within the Capitol complex.  Other duties include preparing the chamber for Senate sessions and carrying bills and amendments to the desk.  Pages attend classes in the early morning at the United States Senate Page School, a program fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Maine students who are interested in applying for future sessions of the Senate Page Program can do so through Senator Collins’ website at:
