Crapo Statement at Nomination Hearing

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

September 22, 2021

Washington, D.C.–U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, delivered the following remarks at a hearing to consider the nominations of Neil MacBride to be General Counsel of the Treasury and Christi Grimm to be Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. 

The text of Ranking Member Crapo’s remarks, as prepared, is below.

“Today, we welcome two nominees to the Committee; Mr. MacBride to be General Counsel of the Treasury and Ms. Grimm to be Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. 

“Congratulations on your nominations.

“I am interested in learning more about each of your perspectives and reviewing your responses to questions for the record that our members will submit after today’s hearings.

“Let’s start with Mr. MacBride.

“The General Counsel of the Treasury should be able to provide nonpartisan legal and policy advice to the Secretary and other senior Department officials.

“As head of the Treasury Legal Division, the General Counsel is also responsible for all legal work in the Department, with the exception of the legal work in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Offices of the Inspectors General.

“Your role as General Counsel, if confirmed, will be important to the Secretary and the Treasury Department, given the health and economic challenges currently facing our country, and it is imperative that you take on this role with the best interests of the United States, not the President or Senators sitting before you today or any one political party.

“Today, the United States is experiencing unprecedented economic pressures on multiple fronts, including significant inflation and record price increases, significant legislative and regulatory changes, and international economic competition and threats. 

“Yet, Congress is considering a $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending package that would change the social fabric of our country. 

“These changes would impose massive tax hikes on America’s small businesses and job-creators, and expand the role of the Internal Revenue Service to monitor the transactions of Americans at every income level. 

“Many Americans are justifiably concerned.

“Mr. MacBride, you would play a large role in the regulatory process to implement this partisan $3.5 trillion package, if it were to pass. 

“You would also be closely involved in the ongoing international tax negotiations occurring at the OECD. 

“These matters will require transparency and accountability.

“They will also require you to follow the law and serve the best interests of our nation, not a partisan agenda, and that you keep Treasury’s authorizing committee–the Finance Committee–fully informed.

“To date, this Administration and Treasury Department have failed to be fully transparent and accountable to this Committee.

“I expect you to be transparent and responsive, if confirmed.

“Turning to Ms. Grimm–if confirmed as Inspector General of HHS, you will continue to serve as the chief watchdog over the Department of Health and Human Services, one of the largest federal agencies, whose programs account for roughly $2.4 trillion in taxpayer dollars. 

“It will continue to be your responsibility to lead OIG’s efforts to fight waste, fraud and abuse in some of our most important and far-reaching federal programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.

“Together, these programs account for more than one-fifth of all federal outlays and serve some of our country’s most vulnerable citizens.

“It is imperative the HHS Inspector General avoid politicization and maintains independence. 

“HHS OIG is the largest civilian Office of the Inspector General across the entire federal government, with a workforce of around 1,650 employees.

“Given the substantial size and unparalleled purview of your office, I hope you will continue to serve as a principled and nonpartisan steward of vital programs, initiatives and taxpayer dollars.

“I look forward to working together to bolster program integrity, as well as to continue adapting our fraud and abuse regulations and oversight infrastructure to keep pace with cutting-edge technology and health care innovation.”