Sen. Cramer Discusses Biden UN Speech, Blasts Democrats’ Spending Plans on Fox Business

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business this morning to discuss President Biden’s speech today at the United Nations (UN), the debt ceiling, and government funding. Excerpts and a link to the full interview are below.

On Biden’s UN Speech:

“Joe Biden likes to apologize for the United States of America and ironically he probably does have a few things to apologize to allies about. Not because of our country, but because of his behavior as Commander in Chief over the last month. Let’s not forget: he’s really not been good on the international stage from the very beginning. His people embarrassed us at the Alaska summit with China where they basically laughed our guys out of the room, and ever since then it’s been a global decline for the standing of the United States. Let’s hope he doesn’t embarrass us anymore with his UN speech, but I don’t expect a lot.” 

On the Debt Ceiling: 

“Democrats not only have the complete authority and power to raise the debt ceiling through the reconciliation process all on their own, but they demonstrated a willingness to raise the debt all on their own, starting with the $2 trillion earlier this year and now the $4, $5, whatever trillion dollar package that they want to pass. That is a large tax increase as well … basically they want to take advantage of this situation and impose socialism and embed it well into our institutions, and they are willing to do that with 50 Senate votes and Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote, but they are not willing to own the debt ceiling increase.”

On Government Funding:

“They’re going to pass [a continuing resolution] in the House with the debt ceiling suspension and it’ll come over here and we won’t [pass it] in the Senate. They will have to offer a clean continuing resolution, either that or there’s a government shutdown. I think both sides have learned over the years that government shutdowns don’t benefit anybody, least of all the American economy and the country. I think that’s what will happen. We can probably pass a clean CR for a month or two while they recalibrate.”