Crapo Welcomes Three Interns for Fall Term

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

September 21, 2021

Washington, D.C.–Three interns have joined U.S. Senator Mike Crapo’s (R-Idaho) Washington, D.C., and Boise offices for the fall term. 

“The interns joining my office for this term have expressed great interest in public service and will gain first-hand experience in the federal legislative process,” said Crapo.  “While work continues in Congress to advance legislation important to Idahoans, this term’s interns will bring a fresh perspective to the legislative process.  I look forward to their work on behalf of Idahoans.” 

Two interns will serve in the Washington, D.C., office: 

Emily Huddleston from Payette, Idaho, graduated from Union University with a bachelor’s degree in political science and a minor in economics.  She has interests in foreign affairs and trade policy. 

Parker Harrell, a Pocatello native now living in California, holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles.  He has interests in law, fiscal policy, foreign affairs and elections.  Parker would like to continue working in Congress and is considering law school in the future. 

One intern will serve in the Boise office: 

Ben Arnzen, a recent graduate of the University of Idaho, obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics.  He has interests in federal investigations, intelligence and protection agencies. 
