Daines Statement on Biden Administration’s Decision to Review Status of the Gray Wolf Population in the West

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after the Biden administration announced it will begin a status review of the health of the gray wolf population to determine if it should be listed as an endangered species. This comes amid pressure from environmental activists.

“Gray wolf populations are thriving thanks to the strong state-led management of the species, and Montana has safeguards in place to ensure that continues to be the case. Activist environmental groups are diverting limited resources from protecting species that are actually endangered in an exercise that we know will be futile. If the Biden administration follows the science and data, I am confident this review will prove once again that the gray wolf is recovered and Montana is succeeding in its management of the species,” Daines said.  


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler