Heinrich Calls For Climate Action In Build Back Better Agenda During Rally Outside U.S. Capitol

Source: United States Senator for New Mexico Martin Heinrich

WASHINGTON (Sept. 14, 2021) – On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) joined the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), Climate Power, and the Climate Action Campaign, and Senate Democrats for a rally outside the U.S. Capitol highlighting the urgent need for Congress to pass the Build Back Better Agenda that includes critical climate investments.

VIDEO: Heinrich Calls For Climate Action In Build Back Better Agenda [HD DOWNLOAD LINK HERE]

During the rally, Senator Heinrich stated that Congress has an “opportunity right now to make right by our children” and “all the tools we need” to create a carbon-free economy. 

Senator Heinrich is fighting for investments in the Build Back Better Agenda to help communities confront the climate crisis head on, move the clean energy transition forward, and power New Mexico’s economic recovery.