ICYMI: McConnell Remarks at Congressional Remembrance Ceremony Marking 20th Anniversary of September 11th

Source: United States Senator for Kentucky Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today regarding the twentieth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. See below for the transcript, or click here to watch the full address:

“Twenty years ago, the United States of America was reeling.

“Our initial shock was settling into deeper pain. Early confusion was becoming lasting anger.

“But as the stories of September the 11th began to be told and heard, one thing became clear:

“In the long run, that evil day would not be only remembered as a time when America was briefly laid low.

“No. That day, and the days that followed, we also showed the world how the greatest country in the world sticks together… stays strong… and stands back up.

“When routine flights became deadly weapons, ordinary passengers used their final moments to save more innocent lives… and quite likely this Capitol.

“When clear blue skies clouded with smoke, first responders rushed fearlessly toward the biggest calls of their careers — and for too many, their last.

“As families grieved and cities mourned, citizen volunteers piled up prayers, donations, and patriotism into mountains of goodwill even higher than the piles of rubble.

“And, for twenty years, thousands of our bravest deployed to the lands from which this evil was launched… to make our refrain, ‘Never Again,’ into reality.


“The attacks of September 11th have directly stolen the lives of about 3,000 of our people.

“For thousands of families and friends, this anniversary will forever be deeply, terribly personal.

“And over two decades of fighting back against terrorist killers, thousands more newly-minted Gold Star families have been dealt their own life-changing sorrows because of this day. 

“Know that your country still stands with you. Your fellow citizens will share your grief.

“Not one American’s sacrifice has been in vain. We renewed our commitment that we will never be broken. We ensured our unity and resolve runs even deeper than our sadness.

“Our job, is to keep that resolve. Preserve our vigilance. And never surrender to the tempting but mistaken myth that evil left alone by America will leave America alone in return.

“Today we solemnly remember the day we said Never Again. Let us also remember what it takes to keep that promise.”