Brown, Local Community Leaders Discuss Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan’s Economic Potential for Mahoning Valley

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Sherrod Brown

STRUTHERS, OH – Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined local government and community leaders at the more than 100-year-old State Street Bridge to discuss how his Bridge Investment Act will help communities repair and rebuild bridges and put Ohioans to work upgrading outdated infrastructure in Mahoning County and throughout the state.

Brown fought to include the Bridge Investment Act in the larger bipartisan infrastructure bill. The Bridge Investment Act will ensure Ohioans are safer, will create and support jobs in communities, and make local economies more competitive.

“Rebuilding Ohio bridges and infrastructure with American-made steel and products will create jobs and make our communities more competitive,” said Brown. “Bridges like the State Street Bridge and more than 3,200 other bridges across Ohio need fixing now. This investment in Ohio, combined with my strong Buy America provisions, is a recipe for job creation in every region of our state.”

Brown was joined by City of Struthers Mayor Catherine Cercone-Miller and Mahoning County Engineer Pat Ginnetti, who spoke on the economic impact of crumbling infrastructure, and how investment would spur economic development.

“As Mayor of the City of Struthers, I know how critical infrastructure funding is. Struthers is one of the oldest cities in Ohio, a beacon for the steel industry, our infrastructure is aged and past due for repair, upgrades and new construction. Senator Brown’s assistance and the passage of the infrastructure bill will help our city immediately. Our first project will be the necessary repair of our bridge downtown. This bridge repair will immediately alleviate safety concerns and assist with necessary economic development,” said City of Struthers Mayor, Catherine Cercone-Miller.

“It is extremely important that the critical infrastructure in our county is well maintained at all times and is safe for our residents and first responders.  In times of stagnant budgets and rising costs, having additional funds available will enable us to accelerate the repair of our infrastructure, improve safety and aid in the growth and economic development of the Valley.  Senator Brown has always kept a finger on the pulse of the Mahoning Valley and his thoughtful consideration of improving our aging infrastructure is greatly appreciated,” said Mahoning County Engineer Pat Ginnetti.

More than 3,200 bridges across Ohio are in need of repairs and according to a report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, more than 1,300 of those are classified as structurally deficient.
