President Biden’s Afghanistan Failures Are His Alone – And He Must Be Held Accountable, Inhofe Says

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement today after President Joe Biden addressed the nation on the end of the withdrawal from Afghanistan: 

“President Biden’s decisions on Afghanistan are clearly his alone. He didn’t listen to his military advisors about maintaining a small but effective presence in Afghanistan or how to exit the country safely. He didn’t listen to a bipartisan chorus in Congress who for months urged the administration to create a plan and move quickly to get our citizens and partners out of harm’s way. He’s not listening to every American and visa holder now trapped in Afghanistan, begging for help. This is not a ‘success,’ President Biden. Not even close.

“Instead of shirking blame and taking credit for the hard work of our brave service members, President Biden should be taking full responsibility for his bad decisions, which led to hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan friends being left behind – as well as the deaths of 13 young heroes last week.

“He is the Commander-in-Chief, and he has failed every step of the way. He and his administration must be held accountable for these failures.”

Background: Although President Biden claimed to have just two choices in Afghanistan, Inhofe offered a third  option – leaving a small but effective number of troops for a limited amount of time – in a commentary in the Wall Street Journal in June.