Senator Collins Announces $3.4 Million to Address Lead Hazards in Auburn

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

Bangor, ME – U.S. Senator Susan Collins announced that the City of Auburn has received a total of $3,400,000 to address lead hazards in 110 housing units, helping to make homes safer for low-income families with children.  Senator Collins, the Ranking Member of the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, championed this funding and wrote a letter of support on Auburn’s behalf to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

“For decades, childhood lead poisoning has negatively affected the lives of many in the Auburn community,” said Senator Collins. “This funding will be transformational for more than 100 Auburn families and will specifically focus on improving developmental outcomes for children by limiting exposure to lead, lowering the incidence of lung cancer by mitigating radon, improving energy efficiency in older homes, and promoting aging in place by preventing catastrophic falls.  As the Ranking Member of the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, I will continue to push for funding for lead hazard abatement and increase the safety of housing for Maine families.”

“This grant is truly transformative to our community by ensuring a healthy environment for our residents to work, live and raise their families.  We appreciate Senator Collins’ strong advocacy for this funding through her leadership role on the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee,” said Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque.

“The City of Auburn appreciates the continued support from The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Senator Collins, and the rest of our Federal Delegation,” said Auburn City Manager Phillip L. Crowell Jr.  “The funding will have a tremendous impact on our City, allowing us to work with over 100 housing units to provide needed lead abatement and provide education.”

“This grant is a game-changer for the work we will be able to do in the City. Helping over 100 more families will make a tremendous difference to families with a child with high blood levels,” said Auburn Director of Business and Community Development Glen E. Holmes.

In 1999, during her first term in office, Senator Collins held a field hearing on lead poisoning in Lewiston.  Since that time, she has strongly advocated for increased funding for programs to address lead abatement and has successfully secured robust investments through her role on the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee.  

Lead poisoning can cause an increase in learning disabilities, lower rates of IQ, speech development deficiencies, attention deficit disorders, and aggressive behaviors.  The Auburn Lead and Healthy Housing Program leverages key stakeholders at all levels in a pursuit to end childhood lead poisoning, mitigate home health hazards, support small businesses, and engage the local workforce.  The funding for this grant to Auburn was awarded through HUD’s Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Program and Healthy Homes Supplemental Funding.
