Wicker Statement on Afghanistan Evacuation Efforts

Source: United States Senator for Mississippi Roger Wicker

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today issued the following statement on the end of U.S. evacuation efforts in Afghanistan:

“Over the past two weeks, our U.S. military service members have made the most out of an awful situation by overseeing a massive evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies from Kabul. Their heroic efforts have saved thousands of people from certain death at the hands of the Taliban. I pray especially for the families and loved ones of the 13 American service members who lost their lives in this effort.

“As our troops leave the country, it is clear that there are still thousands of people who have not made it out of Afghanistan. The U.S. must continue working until every last American and U.S. ally is removed from harm.

“I will continue to hold President Biden accountable for this clumsy and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. His betrayal of our Afghan allies will go down as one of the worst foreign policy blunders in American history.”