Fischer Statement On Bombings In Kabul

Source: United States Senator for Nebraska Deb Fischer

WASHINGTON, DC. – U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement amid reports that U.S. servicemembers have been killed in terrorist attacks at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

“I am devastated by the news that U.S. servicemembers and innocent civilians were killed in terrorist attacks in Kabul this morning. I am also praying for the recovery of those who were injured. 

Our hearts are with the families of these heroic Americans who gave their lives in service to our nation. 

These horrific events rest with President Biden and his administration. The White House’s incompetence and lack of planning created this chaotic, dangerous situation in which American citizens and our partners are dying at the hands of terrorists.

We must act immediately and decisively to fix this failed evacuation. We cannot allow terrorists to dictate the safety of our fellow countrymen and women.”