Senator Scott Statement on the Attack in Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Thursday | August 26, 2021

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released the following statement on today’s deadly attack in Afghanistan.

“I was devastated to learn of the death of 12 Americans and dozens of Afghan civilians at the hands of terrorists in Kabul. My heart goes out to the families, friends, and fellow service members of those who lost their lives.

“The preventable death of American troops—the first casualties in Afghanistan in a year and a half and the deadliest day in a decade—is a direct result of failed leadership at every level of the Biden administration. Joe Biden’s capitulation to the Taliban created a devastating situation in which our troops and citizens are now stranded in a dangerous region with insufficient support from our government.

“As desperation grows, my team has continued our efforts to get constituents, family members, and allies out before it’s too late. The lack of responsiveness or assistance we’ve encountered from the White House, State Department, and Department of Defense is unacceptable. We’ve received reports of our people being told to come to the airport, only to be turned away. Americans are being told by their own government: we can’t protect you if you stay, but we also can’t protect you if you try to leave. It’s unconscionable.

“The president must immediately reverse course and dispatch all military resources necessary to ensure the safety of every American and our allies. We cannot leave our fellow citizens to the mercy of terrorists. We cannot leave a single American behind.”


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