Manchin, Capito Announce Funding for Youth Substance Use Prevention in Fayette County

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Joe Manchin

August 25, 2021

Charleston, WV – U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced the Fayette County Family Resource Network’s eligibility to receive up to $125,000 through the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. This funding is made available through the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and will help establish collaboration among communities to prevent and reduce substance use among young people.

“As West Virginia continues to be ravaged by the drug epidemic it is especially heartbreaking to see youth dealing with substance use disorder. The Drug-Free Communities Support Program plays an essential role in combatting and preventing drug misuse among young West Virginians, and I am pleased this funding will support Fayette County Family Resource Network’s own Drug-Free Communities Support program. The fight against the drug epidemic is far from over, and I will continue to advocate for funding that helps bolster West Virginia’s efforts,” Senator Manchin said.

“In order to properly combat the opioid epidemic and substance use in our communities, we must encourage collaboration between partners on the federal, state, and local level. The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program is a great example of that inclusive approach and helps prevent our youth in West Virginia from going down the wrong path towards drug addiction. I have often said that community based solutions are among the most effective in our continued battle against the opioid and addiction crisis, and the DFC program is a great example of that. No two places are the same, and our approach towards substance use prevention needs to reflect this. I will continue working hard to make sure our communities have the resources needed to prevent drug addiction and abuse in future generations throughout our state,” Senator Capito said.