Sen. Cruz Applauds Lithuania’s Diplomatic Support of Taiwan Despite Risk of Communist China Retaliation

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today sent a letter to Lithuania’s Ambassador to the U.S. applauding the country for opening a Taiwanese Representative Office and continuing to stand firm in their support of Taiwan’s security and prosperity in the face of China’s threatened and already-implemented retaliation. China recalled their ambassador from Lithuania, the first time they’ve done that from a European Union country since 1993, and expelled the Lithuanian ambassador in response to their diplomatic support of Taiwan.In the letter, Sen. Cruz wrote:”Taiwan is a beacon of democracy, freedom, and economic prosperity. Those values and successes stand as unremitting rebukes to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its authoritarianism, and the CCP is committed to eroding Taiwan’s diplomatic and national security.”[…]”Facilitating new economic relations between Lithuania and Taiwan will of course benefit the peoples of both countries. Moreover, our countries are all stronger when America’s friends and allies such as Lithuania and Taiwan cooperate to advance our mutual security interests and prosperity. Your actions also align with and reinforce our shared, hard-fought commitment to countering Communist authoritarianism, the scourge of which Lithuanians know all too well. These are basic and undeniable facts.”Read the full text of the letter here and below.August 23, 2021Her Excellency Audra PlepytėAmbassador Extraordinary and PlenipotentiaryRepublic of Lithuania2622 16th St., NWWashington, DC 20009Dear Ambassador Plepytė,I write to congratulate your government and the people of Lithuania on the leadership you are showing in bolstering the diplomatic stature of our mutual ally Taiwan, and more specifically regarding the recent announcement that Taiwan will soon establish a “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania” in Vilnus.Taiwan is a beacon of democracy, freedom, and economic prosperity. Those values and successes stand as unremitting rebukes to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its authoritarianism, and the CCP is committed to eroding Taiwan’s diplomatic and national security. Chinese Communist officials have systematically sought to isolate Taiwan, and in pursuit of that goal they routinely deploy tools ranging from bribery to blackmail. The CCP’s diplomatic thuggery has alienated many, but unfortunately – far too often – its efforts to push Taiwan out of bilateral relationships and multilateral forums have been successful.Facilitating new economic relations between Lithuania and Taiwan will of course benefit the peoples of both countries. Moreover, our countries are all stronger when America’s friends and allies such as Lithuania and Taiwan cooperate to advance our mutual security interests and prosperity. Your actions also align with and reinforce our shared, hard-fought commitment to countering Communist authoritarianism, the scourge of which Lithuanians know all too well. These are basic and undeniable facts.Nevertheless Lithuania, its people, and its government will no doubt face sustained, furious, and serious retaliation from the CCP for the stance you are taking. The American people, as well as lawmakers in Washington, DC regardless of what parties we belong to, know and appreciate the costs and risks you have taken on.We stand ready to assist you, and congratulate you again on this important initiative.Sincerely,/s/