Hoeven Honors Service of Former Governor Dalrymple, Marks Renaming of NDSU Greenhouse

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


FARGO, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today joined state, local and North Dakota State University (NDSU) officials in honoring the service of former Governor Jack Dalrymple at the renaming ceremony for the NDSU Agriculture Experiment Station Greenhouse. The effort to build the facility, which has now been designated the Jack Dalrymple Greenhouse Complex, first began in 2005 under the Hoeven-Dalrymple administration. Between 2005 and 2011, the state appropriated nearly $35 million to construct the state-of-the-art agriculture research complex, with the groundbreaking and completion occurring in 2008 and 2015, respectively.

The greenhouse supports research in plant breeding, genetics, horticulture, entomology and plant nutrition, while also providing enhanced opportunities for student training and education. In particular, the facility includes a bio-secure section, enabling advanced pathogen research and making it one of the pre-eminent greenhouses in the nation.

Hoeven stressed how the greenhouse has served as a cornerstone in his and Dalrymple’s work to expand upon North Dakota’s leadership in agriculture and further cement NDSU’s role as a world-class agriculture research institution. The senator credited Dalrymple for his extensive experience in agribusiness and for his time in the state legislature, which aided their efforts not only to secure funding for their greenhouse, but also to provide a better tax and regulatory environment for producers and spur investment in added-value agriculture. 

“Jack has been a tireless advocate for our farmers and ranchers. The NDSU greenhouse is just one example of the ways he has worked to grow North Dakota’s leadership in all things agriculture, and it’s fitting that this facility now bears his name,” said Hoeven. “I appreciate the many years we’ve had working together on projects just like this, which help strengthen our state’s economy, support the success of our agriculture producers and provide better opportunities for investment and job creation. Jack has been a tremendous partner in these important efforts, and we thank him for his years of service.”
