Press Releases 08/19/2021 Tillis: North Carolina Veterans Are Not Alone Our brave men and women in uniform did everything our nation asked them to do in Afghanistan and more, keeping Americans safe from terrorists and providing the Afghan people with the opportunity to experience freedom for the first time in their lives.

Source: United States Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs Committees, issued the following statement recognizing the service and sacrifice of the brave servicemembers who kept America safe from terrorists following 9/11, and shared resources available to veterans.

“Our brave men and women in uniform did everything our nation asked them to do in Afghanistan and more, keeping Americans safe from terrorists and providing the Afghan people with the opportunity to experience freedom for the first time in their lives. No American fought or died in vain. This is a very difficult time for many veterans and Gold Star Families who are understandably saddened, angered, and despondent with the crisis unfolding. They should know they are not alone right now and there are many resources available to help them get through this. For North Carolinians who have friends and loved ones who served, please make sure you check in on them and let them know how grateful we are for their service to our nation.

“I have also heard from many veterans who are deeply concerned about the safety of their Afghan friends who served alongside them. America has a moral obligation to uphold our promises and provide refuge to the Afghans who bravely risked their lives to protect American troops and now find themselves in the Taliban’s crosshairs.”

Below are resources available for veterans who may need assistance during this time.
