Heinrich Statement On Passage Of The Budget Resolution To Advance The Build Back Better Agenda

Source: United States Senator for New Mexico Martin Heinrich

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) issued the following statement on the Senate passage of the budget resolution to advance the Build Back Better agenda: 

“The Build Back Better agenda is a game changer for our country. It will make once-in-a-generation investments in the American people, lower costs, cut taxes, create climate careers, and make the wealthy and corporations finally pay their fair share in taxes. 

“Budgets are a reflection of core values and principles, and I’m proud of the message we are sending today. I remain deeply committed to seeing this through — to increase opportunities for hard working families in New Mexico and going big and bold on climate action so our kids can inherit a safe and livable planet. Their future literally depends it. This is our best, and maybe our last, chance to pass policies that meet the scale of the climate crisis. We can’t afford to waste it.” 

For more information on the resolution, click here. For text of the resolution, click here.