Luján Secures Inclusion of Drunk and Impaired Driving Prevention Measures in Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

Source: US Senator for New Mexico Ben Ray Luján

Luján Secures Inclusion of Drunk and Impaired Driving Prevention Measures in Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, secured the inclusion of drunk and impaired driving measures in the Senate-passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Senators Luján and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) introduced the Reduce Impaired Driving for Everyone (RIDE) Act earlier this year to prevent drunk driving and help save thousands of lives each year. The legislation promotes the research and development of advanced drunk and impaired driving technology and requires auto manufacturers to implement this technology in new car models.

“Too many families across America have felt the pain of losing a loved one from drunk and impaired driving crashes. After years of advocacy from survivors and victims’ families, the Senate took action to help end drunk and impaired driving with the inclusion of these measures in the bipartisan infrastructure legislation,” said Luján. “As a victim and survivor of a drunk driving crash, I know how important this legislation is for those like me who live to tell the story and the thousands every year who can’t. I’ll continue fighting to get this signed into law.” 

“As a victim of drunk driving, Senator Luján understands the trauma that so many victims and survivors suffer as a result of someone else’s decision to drive impaired. MADD is grateful that Senator Luján has taken a stand for victims by leading the push for drunk driving prevention technology in all new vehicles,” said MADD National President Alex Otte. “Today’s vote is a major step toward finally winning the war on drunk driving.” 

“As Albuquerque residents whose son was killed by a drunk driver, we are proud that Senator Luján has championed this movement to stop impaired driving,” said Dolly and Jake Salazar, whose 19-year-old son Jacob was killed in 2016. “The provision that the Senate passed in the Infrastructure bill will prevent the deaths and traumatic injuries that shatter families and communities every day.”

More information on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act can be found HERE.
