Hagerty Files Amendments that take aim at Big Tech, Inflation, Energy Prices, Criminal Illegal Aliens

Source: United States Senator for Tennessee Bill Hagerty

Hagerty Files Amendments that take aim at Big Tech, Inflation, Energy Prices, Criminal Illegal Aliens

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today filed a number of amendments to the budget resolution currently being debated on the Senate floor, which is the vehicle for Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders’ $3.5 trillion partisan tax-and-spending spree to implement his socialist vision for America.

“Families and workers in Tennessee are going to be significantly harmed by Bernie Sanders’ $3.5 trillion package that’s going to fundamentally reorient American society toward government dependency,” Senator Hagerty said. “The Green New Deal, amnesty, death taxes, government-run pre-K, Obamacare expansion—it’s all in there. It’s why I refused to expedite the infrastructure package, and it’s why I’m offering a number of important amendments, which the Senate should debate and consider, to combat Big Tech censorship, rising inflation, high gas prices, and the Administration’s failure to deport many criminal illegal aliens.”

Hagerty has introduced the following amendments:

  • An amendment to prohibit collusion between government and Big Tech to censor Americans.
  • An amendment to require transparency with respect to government-administered migrant resettlement.
  • An amendment establishing that the root causes of the current border crisis are the Biden Administration’s abandonment of virtually all border security and immigration enforcement measures.
  • An amendment that acknowledges the negative effect of high gas prices on Americans.
  • An amendment that acknowledges the fact that inflation is effectively a tax on the middle class that increases the cost of goods and services Americans rely on. 
  • An amendment that supports America as an energy independent Nation.
  • An amendment ensuring that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has sufficient resources to detain and deport all illegal aliens who have been convicted of a criminal offense in the United States.
  • An amendment creating a new federal grant program for American public schools regarding teaching that America is the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.
  • An amendment prohibiting the United States government from pursuing climate-related policies and agreements that contribute to Communist China’s production of solar panels, which rely on slave labor of ethnic minorities.
  • An amendment supporting the enforcement of individuals that participate and/or are connected to acts of eco-terrorism, not limited to “tree spiking.”
  • An amendment supporting an increase in funding for law enforcement officers in order to combat recent increases in violent crime.
  • An amendment to enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress.
  • An amendment to prevent the federal government from nullifying state right-to-work laws and prohibit taxes on American workers in the form of forced union dues.
  • An amendment to prioritize the substance abuse and opioid epidemic, which stems largely from open borders, tax increases, and reckless government spending sprees.