Klobuchar, Smith, Bipartisan Group of Colleagues Urge USDA to Provide Pandemic Relief for Contract Pig Farmers

Source: United States Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN), both members of the Senate Agriculture Committee, sent a letter to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack urging him to ensure contract pig farmers are eligible for pandemic relief. Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) joined Klobuchar and Smith in sending the letter.

The senators wrote: “Our livestock and poultry contract growers have been waiting patiently for USDA to provide financial relief that so many desperately need. We’re concerned that USDA’s announcement on June 15 – that described its intent to finalize this program within 60 days – only focused on poultry growers and made no mention of providing assistance to contract swine growers.”

They concluded later in the letter: “We urge you to use all USDA resources at your disposal to make contract swine growers eligible for this emergency assistance provided by Congress, and ensure that they are fully aware of their eligibility.”

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Klobuchar and Smith have worked to support Minnesota’s rural communities. This summer, they successfully pushed USDA to expedite and prioritize relief for farmers, livestock producers, biofuel processors, and timber harvesters and haulers. The senators also helped secure additional aid for agricultural producers and businesses as part of the USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative.

Full text of the letter can be found HERE and below.

Dear Secretary Vilsack,

We write today to urge the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to support all of our hardworking farmers and provide the much needed financial relief that was promised to them. 

As you know, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (Pub.L. 116-260) directs USDA to “make payments to contract growers of livestock and poultry to cover … revenue losses.” Our livestock and poultry contract growers have been waiting patiently for USDA to provide financial relief that so many desperately need. I’m concerned that USDA’s announcement on June 15 – that described its intent to finalize this program within 60 days – only focused on poultry growers and made no mention of providing assistance to contract swine growers.

Additionally, many pork producers have been waiting for USDA to roll out the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program swine top-up payments that was announced in January of this year. We realize that as Administration transitions occur, agencies need time to evaluate programs. However, over the past eight months, USDA has given no indication as to how it plans to put these funds to use. Our producers are still feeling the economic hardships of the pandemic and look forward to USDA carrying out this program.

We are sure you are well aware of the challenges Iowa and Minnesota’s livestock producers and contract growers have experienced over the last several years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful for the work that USDA has done to help our farmers and producers through the USDA Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, but it is crucial that assistance is provided for all those impacted, as the law directs. 

We urge you to use all USDA resources at your disposal to make contract swine growers eligible for this emergency assistance provided by Congress, and ensure that they are fully aware of their eligibility. We thank you for your timely consideration of this matter and look forward to working with you on this important issue.
