More Than 100 Associations, Trade Groups & Unions Endorse Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Negotiated by Senator Collins

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

Washington, D.C.— More than 100 industry associations, trade groups, and unions representing employers, workers, farmers, governors, mayors, and many others have announced their support of the bipartisan infrastructure bill.  The legislation represents the most significant investment in American infrastructure since the establishment of the Interstate Highway System in the 1950s.

“This bill is good for America,” said Senator Collins.  “The broad array of organizations in support of this historic infrastructure package reflects the benefits it will have for our roads, bridges, airports, seaports, rail, water treatment systems, and broadband across the country.” 


Senator Collins is one of the 10 Senators—five Republicans and five Democrats—who negotiated the infrastructure package.  She focused on the areas of broadband expansion and funding for highways and bridges.  The other nine negotiators were: Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mark Warner (D-VA), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Jon Tester (D-MT).

A full list of the organizations backing the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act can be found below:  

·         U.S. Chamber of Commerce

·         Business Roundtable

·         National Association of Manufacturers

·         AFL-CIO

·         Agricultural Retailers Association

·         Airports Council International North America

·         American Apparel & Footwear Association

·         American Association of Port Authorities

·         American Concrete Pavement Association

·         American Concrete Pipe Association

·         American Concrete Pumping Association

·         American Consulting Engineers Council

·         American Council of Engineering Companies

·         American Council for Capital Formation

·         American Farm Bureau Federation

·         American Foundry Society

·         American Highway Users Alliance

·         American Institute of Steel Construction

·         American Iron & Steel Institute

·         American Public Transportation Association

·         American Rental Association

·         American Road & Transportation Builders Association

·         American Securities Association

·         American Society of Civil Engineers

·         American Society of Landscape Architects

·         American Subcontractors Association

·         American Traffic Safety Services Association

·         American Trucking Associations

·         Associated Builders and Contractors

·         Associated Equipment Distributors

·         Associated General Contractors of America

·         Associated Wire Rope Fabricators

·         Association of American Railroads

·         Association of Equipment Manufacturers

·         Auto Care Association

·         Bipartisan Policy Center

·         Building America’s Future

·         Build Together CEO Working Group

·         Coalition for America’s Gateways & Trade Corridors

·         Community Transportation Association of American

·         Computer & Communications Industry Association

·         Construction & Demolition Recycling Association

·         Corn Refiners Association

·         Design-Build Institute of America

·         Edison Electric Institute

·         FP2, formerly the Foundation for Pavement Preservation

·         Independent Electrical Contractors

·         Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association

·         Industrial Minerals Association – North America

·         Information Technology Industry Council

·         Institute of Manufacturers of Explosives

·         Institute of Transportation Engineers

·         International Association of Iron Workers

·         International Brotherhood of Teamsters

·         International Society of Explosive Engineers

·         International Union of Operating Engineers

·         Laborers’ International Union of North America

·         Major Metro Coalition

·         National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)

·         National Asphalt Pavement Association

·         National Association of Convenience Stores

·         National Association of Counties

·         National Association of County Engineers

·         National Association of Home Builders

·         National Association of Remodeling Industry

·         National Association of Surety Bond Producers

·         National Association of Trailer Manufacturers

·         National Associations of Truckstop Operators

·         National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors

·         National Conference of State Legislatures

·         National Electrical Contractors Association

·         National Governors Association

·         National Independent Autodealers Association

·         National League of Cities

·         National Lime Association

·         National Mining Association

·         National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

·         National Retail Federation

·         National Society of Professional Surveyors

·         National Steel Bridge Alliance

·         National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association

·         National Waste & Recycling Association

·         No Labels

·         North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers

·         North America’s Building Trades Unions

·         Portland Cement Association

·         Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute

·         Railway Supply Institute

·         Retail Industry Leaders Association

·         Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association

·         Small Business Roundtable

·         Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America

·         Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association

·         Steel Manufacturers Association

·         Subsurface Utility Engineering Association

·         TechNet

·         The Council of State Governments

·         The Nature Conservancy

·         The Surety & Fidelity Association of America

·         Tire Industry Association

·         Transport Workers Unions of America

·         Transportation Intermediaries Association

·         Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

·         Travel Goods Association

·         U.S. Conference of Mayors

·         U.S. Geospatial Executives Organization

·         U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association

·         U.S. Travel Association

·         United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

·         United Motorcoach Association

