Sen. Cramer Visits North Dakota’s Space Assets with Space Force Leader Gen. Raymond

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

Senator Cramer Hosted General Raymond’s First Public Trip Since Becoming the U.S. Space Force’s Chief of Space Operations

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GRAND FORKS, ND – U.S. Senator and Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) member Kevin Cramer (R-ND) visited North Dakota’s space assets in Grand Forks and Cavalier today with U.S. Space Command Commander and Chief of Space Operations for the newly formed U.S. Space Force, General John “Jay” Raymond. This was General Raymond’s first public visit after President Trump made him Chief of Space Operations.

Grand Forks

The day began at the University of North Dakota’s (UND) School of Aerospace, meeting with faculty and staff and touring their facilities.

Their time at UND continued with a town hall meeting, where ROTC and Space Studies students heard a presentation from General Raymond and were able to ask him questions about the future of space.

“More than anything else, the military and intellectual assets in North Dakota are what motivated me to see the value and importance of a Space Force; and thanks to the tireless leadership and help of President Trump, Vice President Pence, and our allies in Congress, it became a reality,” said Senator Cramer. “I was pleased to welcome General Raymond back to North Dakota, and I am glad he used his first public visit as the leader of Space Force to see our space assets firsthand. We have great potential here, and I look forward to seeing what becomes of today’s excellent conversations.” 


After their time in Grand Forks, Senator Cramer and General Raymond visited the Cavalier Air Force Station to tour the base and crewmembers. At the base, General Raymond announced a $700 per-month incentive pay for each person stationed in Cavalier, effective as soon as possible. 

“This incentive pay will help with recruitment and improve the lives of the crew members serving here,” said Senator Cramer. “Thank you to General Raymond and our military leaders for making this possible!”

Senator Cramer and General Raymond then participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony for Cavalier’s Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), which allows crew members to access timely intelligence on missile threat systems and adversary capabilities.

“With heightened tensions across the world, and an increased focus on space as the next warfighting domain, installations like Cavalier are as important as ever. Thank you to our gracious hosts and to all who serve our nation here,” said Senator Cramer.
