Feinstein, Padilla, Statement on Biden Administration’s Executive Order on New Clean Car Rules

Source: United States Senator for California – Dianne Feinstein

WashingtonSenators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla (both D-Calif.) today released the following statement after the Biden Administration announced its new vehicle emissions rules: 

“We are proud to see the White House respond to our calls to build on California’s leadership by setting clean car standards modeled on the ‘California Framework Agreement.’ We are grateful for the steadfast efforts of the administration, automakers, environmental advocates, autoworkers, and labor unions to advance clean car standards that protect public health and reduce carbon pollution. 

“The work continues toward bolder, long-term standards that build to a zero-emission future, and we commend President Biden for the substantial step in that direction through his Executive Order. We must set ambitious standards after model year 2026 and a date by which all vehicles sold must be zero-emission. We must decarbonize the transportation sector as quickly as possible to give us a fighting chance to breathe clean air and attain a prosperous, clean energy economy that works for everyone. The automobile industry has shown it has the ability and willingness to make this transition while creating good-paying jobs and saving Americans money.  

“The budget reconciliation process is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build out our electric vehicle infrastructure, make it easier for Americans to buy and own electric cars via consumer incentives, bolster American manufacturing, clean our energy sources and air, and address environmental injustice. We look forward to working with President Biden and our Democratic colleagues to advance those efforts and build back better over the coming weeks and months.”  

Additional Background: 

Transportation is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas pollution nationwide, contributing roughly 50 percent of California’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

Earlier this year, Padilla and Feinstein called on President Biden to use California’s breakthrough, voluntary vehicle emissions framework as the minimum baseline for national clean car standards. 

Feinstein and Padilla also introduced legislation to provide buyers of pre-owned electric cars with tax rebates up to $2,500, which would assist low- and middle-income households with purchasing electric vehicles, ultimately saving families money and reducing emissions. 

In response to letters from Feinstein in 2018, the 17 auto manufacturers called on the Trump administration to work with California to maintain strong national fuel economy standards 

Feinstein was the lead sponsor of the bipartisan Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act, which passed in 2007 and requires the administration to set the maximum feasible fuel economy standards. 
