VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Rick Scott & Cuban Leaders: We Can’t Wait; Biden Must Lead the World in Support of Freedom in Cuba

Source: United States Senator Rick Scott (Florida)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott and leaders of the Cuban diaspora in Florida released a video denouncing the atrocities the illegitimate communist Cuban regime is committing against its people, and calling on the Biden administration to take immediate action to support the fight for freedom and democracy on the island. The video features Rosa María Payá, daughter of the freedom fighter Oswaldo Payá and Director of Cuba Decide, Sylvia Iriondo, Director of MAR for Cuba, Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, Coordinator of the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance, and Jorge Antunez, former political prisoner and human rights activist.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The communist Cuban regime is terrified of the freedom movement, so they are trying to hide this fight from the world. Now more than ever, the Biden administration must stand up and lead the world in support of freedom and democracy in Cuba, restore cellular and internet service to the island, impose further sanctions on the illegitimate communist regime and stop the failed appeasement policies that only benefit the regime and its cronies. We can’t waste one more minute.”

See the video HERE or below.
