Heinrich Secures N.M. Investments In Agriculture And Rural Development Appropriations Bill

Source: United States Senator for New Mexico Martin Heinrich

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, secured major investments for New Mexico in the Fiscal Year 2022 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This includes over $3 million that will directly benefit local projects in New Mexico. The full committee will hold a markup on the bill on Wednesday, August 4. 

“This bill makes significant investments in New Mexico’s farmers and rural and Tribal economies,” said Heinrich. “I’m proud to secure over $3 million for projects across New Mexico that increase opportunities related to soil health management, distance learning and telemedicine in rural areas, community facility development and construction, and sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices.”

The fiscal year 2022 appropriations bill for the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration provides discretionary funding of nearly $26 billion, which is an increase of $2.5 billion over fiscal year 2021 enacted levels. A summary is available here

During a markup in the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, Senator Heinrich secured funding for New Mexico that includes: 

$995,000 for NMSU Initiative on Carbon Management and Soil Health in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments 

This funds New Mexico State University’s Initiative on Carbon Management and Soil Health in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments. The initiative will stand up a proof-of-concept for carbon sequestration potential in arid and semi-arid croplands, rangelands, forests, and urban landscapes through demonstration projects at four NMSU Agricultural Science Centers located across the state, engage stakeholders through a carbon literacy program, and train graduate and undergraduate students, including Native Americans and other minority groups, in research and educational outreach activities. 

$890,000 for broadband for New Mexico’s state and Tribal libraries

This provides the New Mexico State Library (NMSL) funding for computer devices, software, and headsets to provide 65 rural New Mexico public and Tribal libraries access to synchronous online distance learning and telemedicine access. 

$104,000 for Ben Archer Health Center Telemedicine

This funding will expand Ben Archer Health Center’s delivery of telehealth education to underserved, uninsured, rural residents of southern New Mexico. 

$950,000 for Sunland Park public safety complex

This provides funding for the studies, planning, and design of a Public Safety Complex to house Sunland Park’s fire and police departments. 

$100,000 for Indigenous Farm Hub regenerative farming

Funding for this project will allow the Indigenous Farm Hub to expand its work on sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices at the new community-training center, located in Corrales, New Mexico. 

Senator Heinrich also secured funding that:

  • Directs the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to expand state and Tribal soil health programs, such as the New Mexico Healthy Soils Program, and to reevaluate current matching requirements to reduce economic barriers for states and Tribes interested in establishing new soil health programs.
  • Provides $73 million in Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal lands and colonias.
  • Urges USDA to issue guidance clarifying that drought on acequia-irrigated land is an eligible cause of loss under the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.
  • Directs Rural Development to collaborate with the Office of Tribal Relations to improve outreach and technical assistance to Tribes to improve their ability to apply to Rural Development Programs.
  • Doubles FY21 funding for the Tribal College Initiative Grant Program, which provides yearly funding to Tribal colleges for agricultural sciences.
  • Provides $14 million for the work conducted by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and efforts on Wildlife on Chronic Wasting Disease by state agencies like the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish.
  • Allocates $38.6 million to USDA Rural Development for the hiring of additional staff including additional staff to support the Tribal Liaison within the Rural Development Innovation Center. Fully staffing Rural Development is essential to ensure Tribes, colonias, and rural communities have access to rural economic development programs. 
  • Directs USDA to conduct a demonstration program on dual-use renewable energy systems, otherwise known as agrivoltaics, in multiple regions of the United States, including arid, semi-arid, and wet agricultural zones.
  • Provides $25 million for the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Programs and the Value-Added Producer Grant Program, which offer grants to farmers and ranchers developing farm and food related businesses that boost farm income and create jobs in rural America.
  • Provides $700 million for the ReConnect Loan and Grant program and $102 million for the Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Programs, which help expand broadband access to New Mexico and other rural parts of the country.
  • Provides increased funding to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), which allocates yearly funding to agricultural colleges and universities, including land-grant universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions, for research and extension programs.
  • Directs USDA to issue guidance to purchase and remove PFAS contaminated cows from the market to provide economic relief to affected farmers and ranchers.
  • Provides $1 million to the Southwest Border Regional Commission.