Senate Passes Van Hollen-Backed Legislation to Reimburse MD National Guard, MPD & Fund Capitol Police

Source: United States Senator for Maryland Chris Van Hollen

July 29, 2021

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, released the following statement regarding the Senate passage of an emergency security supplemental package to fund the U.S. Capitol Police and reimburse Maryland’s National Guard and D.C. Metropolitan Police for their assistance on and following January 6th:  

“While our democracy was under attack, members of the U.S. Capitol Police Force, the National Guard, and the D.C. Metropolitan Police stepped up to protect it. These public servants – many of whom I represent – risked their lives and answered the call when our country needed them. Now, our country needs to be there for them. That’s why I worked with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to put together this package to fund the U.S. Capitol Police and invest in crucial security improvements. In addition to resources to ensure our U.S. Capitol Police remain on the job, this package provides essential funds to reimburse our Maryland National Guard Members and D.C. Metropolitan Police Department who provided crucial assistance in protecting Capitol. In order to ensure these men and women can continue to serve our nation, I fought to bring this bipartisan compromise to the floor with urgency, and I’m glad we were able to pass it today.”