Video: Kaine and Rubio Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Authorize New Partnerships Initiative at USAID to Expand Humanitarian Work

Source: United States Senator for Virginia Tim Kaine

July 28, 2021

You can watch remarks from Senator Kaine regarding this legislation here

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) — both members of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development — introduced bipartisan legislation to authorize the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and require the USAID Administrator to meet certain criteria when implementing the program. NPI helps USAID collaborate with local non-profits on humanitarian work by identifying new partners and sources of funding, streamlining access to resources, promoting local leadership, and providing training. The bill would establish NPI through statute and authorize adequate funding for the program through Fiscal Year 2026, which would expand the agency’s humanitarian partner base and boost USAID’s effectiveness abroad by working with more organizations connected to the populations they serve. 

“The New Partnerships Initiative was founded on the principle that greater diversity and competition among USAID’s local partner base would lead to better and more effective humanitarian work,” said Senator Kaine. “I’m proud to introduce this legislation, which would help the agency build safer, healthier, and stronger communities around the world.” 

“USAID plays an important role in our nation’s foreign policy initiatives,” said Senator Rubio. “The bill would authorize USAID’s New Partnerships Initiative to allow smaller organizations to better assist local entities and make the agency more effective for America’s allies and partners.” 

USAID depends on the work of local partners — from academic and business leaders to NGOs and humanitarian responders, among others — around the world to achieve our nation’s mission of promoting democratic values and advancing a more free, peaceful and prosperous world. Following a 2018 bipartisan letter that Kaine wrote to former USAID Administrator Mark Green requesting more agency cooperation with non-profit organizations, the New Partnerships Initiative was created to help implement critical assistance programs abroad.

Specifically, this legislation would:

  • Authorize $250 million for each fiscal year from FY2022 through FY2026 for New Partnerships Initiative program grants and increase the number of awards to new and underutilized partners;  
  • Simplify access to USAID resources;
  • Lower barriers to entry, including by streamlining the application process for more underutilized organizations to work with USAID;
  • Strengthen the capacities of local organizations to help partner countries sustain their own development; and
  • Require the USAID Administrator to submit an annual report to Congress on the performance of NPI, and meet certain requirements regarding program management and recruitment of NGOs. 

To read the bill text, click here

This legislation is supported by the following organizations: Neverthirst; Food For The Hungry; Partners in Action; Langham Partnership; Lifewater International; WCIU;  Giving Children Hope; Medical Ambassadors; The Charis Project; Edify; Plant With Purpose; Foursquare Disaster Relief; Biblica; CAMA Services; Compassion International; Discipling for Development; Engineering Ministries International; Live58; Healing Waters; LifeNet International; Alfalit International; Cross Catholic;  Cross International; Metrix Research Group; Outreach Aid to the Americas;  JESUS Film Global Partnerships; MAP International; Chalmers Center; CARE for AIDS; Hands of Love; MEBO; Mission:Hope; She Is Safe; Mission Aviation Fellowship;  Wheaton College HDI; International Aid Services; Bright Hope International; Kids Alive International; Sonset Solutions; Nazarene Compassionate Ministries;; World Relief Corporation; Adventist Development & Relief Agency; Hearts of Life; Bethany Christian Services; Partners Worldwide; Poverty Cure; World Renew; Christ’s Hope International; International Needs; CBE International; Convoy of Hope; Crisis Aid International; CitiHope; Congo Initiative; Samaritan’s Purse; Design Outreach; Lifeline Christian Mission; Blessings International; Water Serve Foundation; Water4; Fields of Life; Multnomah University; Compassion First; India Partners; Mercy Inc; Tearfund USA; Hope Walks; Messiah College, Collaboratory; Eastern University; HOPE International; Mennonite Central Committee; Water Mission;  American Leprosy Missions; Living Waters for the World; Seed Effect; ALARM; Think East Africa; Living Water International; 4Africa; Attack Poverty; Buckner Children and Family Services, Inc.; GAIN (Global Aid Network); Water is Basic; Salvation Army World Service Organization; World Hope International; World Help; CBN; Dignity Freedom Network; Good Shepherd India; Church Hill; International Orality Network; Orphan Helpers; Kumveka; Christian Connections for International Health; Children’s AIDS Fund; Forward Edge International; Northwest University; World Concern; Music for Life Institute; and World Vision US.
