Following Disappointing Circuit Court Decision on E15, Ernst Backs Effort to Expand Market for Biofuel Year-Round

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Agriculture and Environment and Public Works Committees, is backing bipartisan legislation aimed at increasing market access for biofuel and continuing to allow retailers across the country to sell E15 and other higher-ethanol fuel blends year-round, eliminating confusion at the pump.
“I fought hard to give consumers access to E15 twelve months of the year—including the summer driving season—and I was extremely disappointed by the D.C. Circuit Court’s recent decision. Iowa farmers, biofuel producers, and American consumers need certainty, and they need it now. That’s why I’m working with Democrats and Republicans to ensure this cleaner, more affordable option stays available at the pump year-round,” said Senator Joni Ernst.
The Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, which was reintroduced by Senators Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), would extend the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) volatility waiver to ethanol blends above 10 percent. The legislation has the support of multiple organizations, including Growth Energy, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Renewable Fuels Association, and National Corn Growers Association.
“After the recent inexplicable court action to restrict consumer access to E15, we find ourselves in a situation where failure is not an option. E15 underpins growth opportunities for biofuel producers. E15 underpins domestic growth opportunities for Iowa farmers. E15 underpins the only near term opportunity for consumers to save money at the pump while reducing emissions. Iowa ethanol producers appreciate Sen. Ernst’s continued work to grow these opportunities. This bipartisan bill must be passed quickly,” said IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw.
“We’re grateful our Congressional champions acted swiftly on behalf of farmers, biofuel producers, and drivers nationwide to introduce the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act. The Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act would make permanent the RVP waiver for summertime use of higher blends of biofuels, ensuring consumers have year-round access to a lower-carbon, lower-emission renewable fuel that saves money at the pump. As this country works to address climate change, we must embrace ready solutions that can be implemented today to immediately reduce our carbon emissions in our current auto fleet. This legislation comes at a critical time on the heels of a court ruling that would allow the oil industry to monopolize the gas tank and push aside low-carbon renewable fuels. We will continue to work with our Congressional champions to see this legislation through, and fight to give Americans an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment by filling up on earth friendly fuel blends like E15,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor.
“Corn growers stand behind the many benefits of higher ethanol blends like E15 and support ensuring its continued access to the marketplace on the same terms as standard ten percent blends. E15 is lower in carbon, tailpipe and evaporative emissions, not to mention lower in price, so it’s no surprise oil companies have tried to shut it down. NCGA appreciates the bipartisan leadership of Senators Klobuchar, Fischer and their colleagues toward a durable solution that would allow continued market access and expansion for proven low carbon fuel in E15 and stands ready to work with Congress and the EPA to provide certainty for consumers, retailers, our environment and rural economies,” John Linder, National Corn Growers Association President, said. 
“RFA members across the country thank Sens. Fischer and Klobuchar for leading this effort to introduce the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act in the Senate. With the recent court ruling, this bill will make it abundantly clear that the intent of Congress is to allow the use of E15 year-round. E15 is the lower-cost, lower-carbon, American-made solution that our country needs right now. We salute the leadership of our many Senate champions on both sides of the aisle and look forward to working with them and the Biden administration to expand the availability of renewable fuel blends like E15,” said Geoff Cooper, President & CEO of Renewable Fuels Association.