Cotton Introduces Bill to Defund Critical Race Theory

Source: United States Senator for Arkansas Tom Cotton

Contact: James Arnold or Mary Collins Atkinson (202) 224-2353
July 14, 2021 

Cotton Introduces Bill to Defund Critical Race Theory

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced the Stop CRT Act, legislation to bar federal funds from being sent to K-12 schools that promote Critical Race Theory, as well as colleges and universities that compel students or faculty to affirm tenets of Critical Race Theory. The Stop CRT Act would also codify former President Trump’s Executive Order on Race and Sex Discrimination, which would prohibit the federal government and federal contractors from using trainings inspired by Critical Race Theory.

Representative Dan Bishop (R-North Carolina) introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Critical Race Theory teaches people to obsess over race and to believe that America is an evil, oppressive place. Federal funds should not be used to support activists in schools who want to teach our kids to hate each other and their country,” said Cotton.

“Critical Race Theory (CRT) is nothing more than state-sanctioned racism. Why should this poisonous, neo-Marxist ideology be funded by the federal government? CRT simply has no place in America’s schools, institutions, or the military. I applaud Senator Tom Cotton for taking up the Stop CRT Act in the Senate as it will fully defund efforts to put CRT into practice at the federal level, setting the right tone for the rest of the nation,” said Bishop.

The Stop CRT Act of 2021 would:

  • Bar federal funds to K-12 schools that promote Critical Race Theory, hire consultants to promote Critical Race Theory, or compel faculty members, students, or any other individual to affirm the tenets of Critical Race Theory
  • Bar federal funds to colleges and universities that compel faculty, students, or any other individual to profess or affirm the tenets of Critical Race Theory
  • Codify President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Race and Sex Stereotyping to prohibit the federal government and federal contractors from indoctrinating employees or any other individual using trainings that advocate Critical Race Theory

The Stop CRT Act of 2021 would not:

  • Prevent any individual from accessing materials about Critical Race Theory for the purposes of research or independent study
  • Prevent individuals from exercising lawful, protected speech

The Stop CRT Act is supported by Citizens for Renewing America, Heritage Action, The Center for the American Way of Life, and the Texas Public Policy foundation.

Senator Cotton has been a leader in the fight against Critical Race Theory for more than a year:

  • In July 2020, Senator Cotton introduced the Saving American History Act to prohibit federal funds from being used to teach The New York Times’s 1619 Project curriculum. Cotton re-introduced the bill in June 2021 along with six of his Republican colleagues, including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
  • Cotton sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice in October 2020 noting the alarming reappearance of racial segregation in education in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
  • Cotton introduced the Combatting Racist Training in the Military Act in March of 2021 to prohibit the U.S. Armed Forces from promoting racist theories, such as Critical Race Theory.
  • In May 2021, Cotton and Congressman Dan Crenshaw launched a whistleblower webpage where members of the military can share accounts of Critical Race Theory-inspired training and other forms of discrimination to which they have been subjected.
  • On June 2nd, 2021, Cotton sent a letter to Lockheed Martin demanding answers regarding the company’s race and gender diversity training.
  • On July 13th, 2021, Cotton sent a similar letter to Raytheon questioning the company’s diversity training, which appears to violate federal non-discrimination law.
