Source: United States Senator for Maryland Chris Van Hollen
Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the Baltimore City Circuit Court ruling to issue a temporary restraining order, maintaining Marylanders’ expanded federal unemployment benefits:
“As our state works to recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic, many Marylanders are still grappling with its devastating impacts. The Governor’s decision to abruptly cut off unemployment benefits put many struggling families at risk of financial ruin. Not only did it thrust thousands of Maryland families into unnecessary uncertainty, it would also reduce the strength of our economic recovery by needlessly forfeiting over a billion dollars in federal resources that would have been spent purchasing goods and services at Maryland businesses. Today’s Circuit Court ruling was the right one – noting that the Governor’s plan inflicted ‘immediate, substantial, irreparable harm’ – and this order will put the needs of Marylanders first. I will continue fighting to support our workers, families, small businesses, and communities with the resources they need to build back better.”