Lankford Wants to Prohibit All Spending on Critical Race Theory Training in the Military

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC  Senator James Lankford (R-OK) requested that the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee prohibit funding for training on critical race theory for US servicemembers in its Fiscal Year 2022 bill. Lankford noted in his letter to the Subcommittee chairman that he has heard from several Oklahomans about concerns that service members are being taught critical race theory and are targeted for personal beliefs. Lankford has long worked to protect service members’ rights.  

“In the last several months, I have heard from many Oklahomans who have shared instances during which service members were taught divisive ideas, and I have also heard from individuals who believe they are targeted for their personal beliefs,” said Lankford. “The women and men serving our country by wearing the cloth of our nation should not have to be subjected to discriminatory intersectional exercises that try to politicize our military. We should and must teach the history of our nation and work toward genuine racial reconciliation, but the ideology of critical race theory is not the solution.”

Previously, President Trump issued an Executive Order to prohibit federal contractors from using critical race theory to combat race and sex stereotyping in diversity and inclusion trainings. On January 20, 2021, President Biden rescinded the previous restrictions. Specifically, Lankford’s request for the Fiscal Year 2022 DOD budget is that no funds in the bill can be used to carry out critical race theory education.

